‘Children Have the Say in Energy’

We always knew that manufacturing, technology and innovation were not sufficient to leave a sustainable future to our children.

We thought that the most valuable contribution to a sustainable world would be to ensure our children could look on the future with hope, by raising their awareness about energy and world resources.

In this respect, we decided to support energy themed courses in the Energy Museum at Santralistanbul campus, together with İnformel Eğitim-çocukistanbul. Students at state schools can participate in courses free of charge through Baymak’s support.

The program, aiming to raise awareness about energy sources, has been designed with interactive methods and group activities based on age group characteristics (3-6, 7-12 and 13-15 age groups). There are 2 hours of courses on weekdays. The energy education program for children focuses on energy conservation, energy efficiency, alternative energy resources, as well as the concepts of sustainability and accessibility.

In the 2017-2019 school year, about 14 thousand students will have learned many important subjects that may profoundly affect the lives of future generations, like efficient use of energy resources and climate change.

Students and teachers participating in the program are given the chance to evaluate the course contents and the program. According to the evaluation results, the program undertakes a concrete and distinctly transformative role in introducing children at an early age to current issues like energy conservation and the importance of efficiency, importance of renewable energy resources in life, sustainability and climate change.

Baymak is aware of the importance of raising the awareness of decision makers of the future regarding clean energy and will continue supporting the Energy Education Program in the future.